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Engagement drops for Meta’s Threads App, advertisers raise valuable questions about its future

Meta’s Threads app, which garnered 100 million sign-ups in just two weeks, has experienced a decline in daily active users and time spent on the app since its initial launch.

This development, amongst other notable concerns, have raised questions about the longevity of the Zuckerberg-owned platform following its internet-breaking debut.

Data from SensorTower and SimilarWeb highlights a significant drop in user engagement, indicating potential challenges for the app moving forward.

Owing to the chants and questions which have  begun to trail this development, we sought out the views of professionals in the industry on the trajectory of Threads, discussing whether the app will continue to thrive or fade into obscurity.

Although opinions vary, with some expressing concerns about the lack of distinguishing features and the need for regular updates to maintain user interest, others acknowledge the potential of Threads, commending Meta for its strategic entry into the social media landscape.

“It Doesn’t Stand Out,”

Munachi Nwoke-Ekpo, Chief Operating Officer, Anakle Limited

Munachi Nwoke Ekpo commented, “Threads doesn’t differ significantly from apps like Twitter and Facebook, making it challenging to stand out.

According to Ekpo, while its features expand on Instagram’s comment section, the absence of familiar functionalities like DMs and camera access raises concerns.

“If the developers don’t promptly introduce new features, Threads may lose its initial appeal. I’ve observed users who were initially highly engaged now using it only once or twice a day. It’s still too early to make a definitive judgment,” he stated.

“Consumer Is Still King,”

Aizehi Itua, Founder of Aimone Creative Agency

Flipping opinions, Aizehi Itua expressed excitement about Meta’s newest addition, tagging it a fresh update to the social media landscape. In Itua’s view, the timing of Threads’ release demonstrates Meta’s competitive intelligence and understanding of consumer preferences.

He acknowledged that adding a microblogging feature to Instagram could dilute its core essence, but Meta’s track record in launching successful flanker brands, such as the reels feature, showcases their prowess.

“However, as with any new platform, there is always a certain level of hype, but the longevity and success of Threads will depend on its ability to deliver a unique and valuable experience for its users. The competition is great, as more options for the consumer help retain their position as “king”,” he noted.

“Threads’ Success Hinges on User Acquisition from Twitter,”

Stanislaus Martins, President, Association of Digital Marketing Professionals (ADMARP), Regional Director Meta for Africa, Ad Dynamo by Aleph

Martins suggested that the success of Threads as a Twitter alternative will depend on its ability to attract users from the Twitter platform.

“Meta has been able to get some high-profile Twitter users to come over to Threads too so we wait and watch. Time will tell but so far it’s looking good for Meta and brands should pay close attention. Who is to say if it will die down or not? It has started very well, better than any platform known to man I understand – scaling to over 100 million users in 5 days and you need to factor in the fact that EU nations currently don’t have access yet so that number might easily have been 200 million in 5 days,” he said. 

However, while the app’s impressive initial sign-up numbers indicate strong potential, its ability to appeal to the distinct user bases of Twitter and Instagram will be critical for sustained growth.

“The Jury Is Still Out on Threads’ Future”, Temitayo Ige, Global Brand Communications Lead, Beiersdorf

In her submission, Ige acknowledged that the fate of Threads is uncertain and highlights the importance of several factors in determining its longevity. As someone who hasn’t used the app, she honorably refrained from making definitive statements about its prospects.

“Driving User Engagement is Key for Threads”, Nelson Oshodi, VP Growth and Membership at ADMARP

Oshodi on his part emphasized the need for Threads to develop effective strategies to maintain user engagement.

In his viewpoint, leveraging Meta’s expertise and adopting innovative approaches that respond to user needs and market dynamics will be crucial for the app’s success.

“Observing the Evolution of Threads,” Rukevwe Toka, Category Development Manager, Nestle

Toka expressed curiosity about the future evolution of Threads.

While questioning the platform’s differentiation in the crowded social media landscape, he maintained interest in tracking its growth and value proposition.

“I am struggling to see the clear gap that it fills for the consumer in terms of social media options, as it appears that consumers have already moved on from text-based social media platforms such as BlogSpot, WordPress, and Twitter to more visual platforms such as Instagram, YouTube, and more recently TikTok.”

”However, I am keeping my fingers crossed to learn more and see the evolution of the platform both in terms of its user base and its proposition,” Toka stated. 

“Promising Potential for Customized Messaging,” Helen Akue, Business Analyst

Akue highlighted the potential value of Threads in delivering personalized and intimate communication experiences.

For the business analyst, whether the initial hype surrounding the app subsides or not, Threads has the capacity to cater to specific communication needs and offer a more focused way for users to connect with their audience.

The Future of Threads: Perhaps, A Mix of Uncertainty and Promise?

As the hype surrounding Threads wanes, the app faces challenges in sustaining user engagement and differentiating itself from established platforms. For us, its success will depend on factors such as regular updates, effective user acquisition strategies, and the ability to deliver unique and valuable experiences.

While opinions on its future vary, the coming months will shed light on whether Threads can carve out its space in the competitive social media landscape.

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